Our members, as experts in their respective fields, are constantly writing for or sharing opinions with global media outlets. We wish to highlight their media presence on this page. If you have been quoted in a newspaper article or radio program, published an op-ed, been featured on a podcast, or made it into the news in some other format, please let us know. For a complete list of past featured authors and pieces, see the Network in the News Archive.
“Angeline negotiated top industry royalty rates for us. It’s something we could have never accomplished on our own.”
- Analysis: Is China really the bad guy in Africa? Daily Maverick
- China's Changing Approach to Africa The Diplomat
- Love & Hate: Michael Sata’s Complex Relationship with China (with Eric OLANDER, Cobus VAN STADEN) ChinaFile
HE Wenping
- ‘One Belt, One Road’ can find place for Africa Global Times
HUANG Hongxiang
- Report: Chinese Diplomats & Officials Tied to Ivory Trade in Africa (with Eric OLANDER, Cobus VAN STADEN) ChinaFile
- [华人世界]华人故事:把青春留在非洲 CCTV
- China’s road to growth in Africa East Asia Forum
- Enlisting an Academic Gatekeeper to Unlock a Story (with Johanna MALM) Covering Business
LI Anshan
- Working together to create the right jobs China Daily Africa
Johanna MALM
- Enlisting an Academic Gatekeeper to Unlock a Story (with Jacob KUSHNER) Covering Business
- Flash of Anti-Chinese Xenophobia in the DR Congo (with Eric OLANDER, Cobus VAN STADEN) ChinaFile
- The town that China built: tourism boom at Zambia's Victoria Falls thanks to Chinese makeover South China Morning Post, Post Magazine
Sanusha NAIDU
- The BRICS Bank: China’s Drive to Shake Up Development Finance (with Eric OLANDER, Cobus VAN STADEN) ChinaFile
- A Career in China-Africa Research (with Yoon Jung PARK) ChinaFile
- China in Africa: 2014 Year in Review ChinaFile
- China’s Booming Africa Trade in Torture Devices ChinaFile
- Chinese Corporations in Africa: Saints or Sinners? ChinaFile
- Flash of Anti-Chinese Xenophobia in the DR Congo (with Johanna MALM) ChinaFile
- From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Made in Africa’ ChinaFile
- Love & Hate: Michael Sata’s Complex Relationship with China (with Solange Guo CHATELARD) ChinaFile
- Religion Among African Immigrants in China ChinaFile
- Report: Chinese Diplomats & Officials Tied to Ivory Trade in Africa (with HUANG Hongxiang) ChinaFile
- South Africa: China’s BFF in Africa ChinaFile
- The BRICS Bank: China’s Drive to Shake Up Development Finance (with Sanusha NAIDU) ChinaFile
- We’re Not Building an Empire ChinaFile
- Who Are the Chinese in Africa? (with Yoon Jung PARK) ChinaFile
Yoon Jung PARK
- A Career in China-Africa Research (with Eric OLANDER, Cobus VAN STADEN) ChinaFile
- Who Are the Chinese in Africa? (with Eric OLANDER, Cobus VAN STADEN) ChinaFile
- Amb. David Shinn- Window to China/Xinyu One on One (with Ambassador David SHINN) Window to China
Ambassador David SHINN
- Amb. David Shinn- Window to China/Xinyu One on One (with Winslow ROBERTSON) Window to China
- Arms and the African The Economist
- China, US should cooperate on doing business in Africa: expert China Daily
- China Is Getting Ready to Surge Troops Into Africa War is Boring
- South Africa’s Ruling ANC Looks to Learn from Chinese Communist Party Time