The only independent and international China-Africa platform for real-time discussions, interactive debates, and insightful knowledge-sharing.

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Join the Listserv

If you would like to join the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China listserv, please read and agree to the Google Group guidelines below, after which you will be able to fill in your information in the sign-up sheet.

Google Group Guidelines

The CA/AC Research Network “Google Group” is a virtual platform for individuals who are interested in China-Africa relations. The Google Group is not moderated; this means that everyone who joins is welcome to post comments or queries. Our purpose is to provide a space that is filled with lively, informed, and intelligent discussions of up-to-the-moment developments as well as more thoughtful theoretical or analytical questions. We hope to do this in an inclusive, respectful, and safe way. To help facilitate this, we have a few guidelines.

Debate and dissent are welcome, but personal attacks on any author of a strand of conversation or individual who participates in the conversation will not be tolerated. The conveners reserve the right to immediately de-list anyone who breaches protocol and decorum. It is important to maintain an inviting space for intelligent and constructive discussion of topics. People often feel strongly about issues posted, but to maintain the un-moderated format of postings by members, we ask that you continue to be respectful by moderating the content of your own posts and your language. When we all take responsibility for maintaining an appropriate and constructive environment, the debate and discussion remain intelligible and everyone benefits. The Google Group is ours and comments that people make to further discussions remain within the Group. We want this to be a safe place, where members feel comfortable sharing personal insights and research with colleagues. We expect all members to help us achieve this by asking for permission from the author before re-posting members' personal views elsewhere. While you are invited to share information about the CA/AC Research Network, we would ask that any new candidates also be serious scholars/researchers/followers of these issues. If a current member refers a new person to the Google Group, please have them send a request to the convener with an adequate introduction, including full name, affiliation, and a few lines that indicate her/his area of research that is relevant to the group.

In order to facilitate the smooth running of our Network and avoid clogging up your inbox:

Please note that if you hit the reply button to a posting you will be sending your message to EVERYONE subscribed to the Group. DO NOT hit REPLY or REPLY ALL unless you want everyone to be privy to your response. IF you intend to respond ONLY to the individual who sent the original posting, then please cut and paste his/her email address as it appears on the sender line.

If you would prefer to receive just one email a day which summarizes all of the CA/AC emails that go out please follow these steps on this webpage: under My Settings (one of the two small boxes in the upper right hand corner) you can adjust the way in which you receive your CA/AC Research Network emails.

Thank you for your interest. We hope that you will find it engaging, stimulating, and informative.